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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Exotic Car Rentals Houston and Insurance coverage 713 409 5508

Upscale Luxury Car Rentals

Insurance on Exotic Cars Rentals Houston

Most states require that you have at least the minimum required liability insurance. This ensures that in event of an accident caused by you, the other driver and passengers in the car will be compensated. In some states, Personal Injury Protection and uninsured motorist insurance coverage are also required by law.

In addition to merely being able to drive your car legally, there are three other reasons to insure that exotic with coverage beyond the minimum, they are:

1. Exotic cars are the most expensive cars to insure because they are built in limited numbers with highly specialized parts. It is easy to think that if you can afford to buy such a car, you can absorb the cost of insurance, but can you also absorb the cost of replacing your valuable investment?

2. Exotic and Ultra exotic cars are tempting to thieves, whether they plan to just break in and take whatever valuables they can gather, or attempt to take the entire vehicle. These are high-profile vehicles with an equally high risk of attracting vandals, and re-keying one, or having that certified paint color touched up, isn’t as easy as doing the same with a garden-variety Honda or Toyota – or as inexpensive.

3. Those who have the money to spend on a limited edition Rolls Royce or ultra-fast Ferrari, Mercedes are also likely to have high-powered attorneys on retainer, which means they’re more likely to file a claim over minor dents and scratches that drivers of Toyota would likely ignore. Insurance pays for those claims – but that litigious personality also drives the cost of said insurance higher.

Specialty Cars

Specialty cars require special insurance consideration. The serious answer is much the same, but with supporting arguments. Here are three reasons to consider exotic coverage for an exotic car:

1. Exotic auto insurers are accustomed to dealing with automobile collectors, men and women – and even corporations – who have entire stables of cars, some of which are rare, some of which are classic, and one or two that are “normal,” for daily use. Because of this, most policies come with automatic coverage for new additions to the collections, for up to thirty days.

2. Unlike mainstream insurers, the customer care at most exotic insurance coverage is often concierge service, or nearly so. You will be treated like a person, not a mere account number, and you will deal with people who understand your car as well as you do, if not better.

3. One thing that is great about this kind of insurance is the insured and the insurance company often agree on the some value call “Agreed value”. Insurance is not based on the blue book value of a car, minus depreciation (and even that multi-million dollar Bugatti depreciates pretty quickly), your coverage will be based on a value that you and the insurance company agree on together, one that more accurately represents the real worth of your vehicle.

Insurance Restrictions on Exotic Cars

Specialty insurance come with many restrictions but these requirements are actually common practices for most people who own high performance or exotic cars.

Generally, there is limitation on the number of hours per year your vehicle may be driven (most Bugattis, Lamborghinis and Ferraris are driven less. You hardly see them on the road time.)

Upscale Luxury Car Rentals     713 409 5508

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